Cavera Inc. becomes Google Analytics certified

Cavera Inc. is very excited to announce that CEO Jeff Greco has successfully completed the Google Analytics Individual Qualification.

As Google states,

The Google Analytics Individual Qualification is a proof of proficiency in Google Analytics that is available to any individual who has passed the Google Analytics IQ test.

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool provided by search and tech giant Google (obviously!).

What does this mean for clients?

Cavera Inc. strives to deliver the best possible service with measurable results. Measuring web analytics and traffic flow throughout a website has become an invaluable tool for determining how engaging your content is, how your customers react when visiting your site, at what stage of the sales funnel each visitor is at upon reaching your site, etc. By analyzing this data and adjusting content structure accordingly it’s possible to divert your traffic exactly where you would want it. Setting goals (phone calls, $ amount in sales, etc.) for a website and seeing them through is just the beginning of successfully using Google Analytics to monetize your online marketing investments.

This is just one more way that Cavera Inc. continues to envolve in order to deliver the best results for our clients. By partnering with us on a monthly basis, you can rest assured that your web presence will be optimized for conversion.

Give us a call 1-855-5CA-VERA (1-855-522-8372), or Contact Us today to find out how we can help convert your web traffic.

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