What does data-driven marketing mean for your business?

Consumers today expect a relevant experience, forcing companies to rethink and restructure their marketing approach.

Marketing and advertising campaigns have always been a moving target in terms of learning from what works and what does not. Companies small and large continue to push for ways to reach their audience in more effective ways that will result in greater awareness and sales. Data-driven marketing is a widely practiced ideology that requires collecting, analyzing and integrating data that has been procured from external and internal sources – specifically market-research and past marketing efforts.

“Customers today expect—and demand—a seamless and relevant experience,” says Teradata, a global data aggregator. The digital age has made consumer-snobs of us all. There’s an expectation that marketers have a knowledge of consumer preference and, in turn, should be able to anticipate their needs.

2015 marks a year where the importance of data is hitting an all-time high. Marketers are under pressure to create more targeted and focused campaigns to drive sales and increase brand-loyalty.

This article was sourced from Adweek’s article – Infographic: What Data-Driven Marketing Looks Like in 2015. I highly recommend you check out the great infographic they put together!

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